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    Arcus v1.0 KONTAKT

    DiSCOVER | 09 JANUARY 2016 | 470 MB

    Arcus is a ‘Cinematic Tool‘ used to create CinematicSpread Effects‘ used in composition. To create it we recorded over 3 hours of Double Bass and Violin.The end result is a moody instruments that allows composers to effortless move between keys and chords, as well as build tension.


    Arcus contains a wide variety of deeply sampled violin and double bass glissandi. Glissandi is the plural of glissando, which is a classical string instrument technique by which the player gradually slides their finger along a string while they are playing, from one note to another. This creates a note which gradually increases or decreases in pitch, depending upon which direction they move their finger.

    This technique was very popular in avant-garde music for the 20th Century, and also suits the mood and atmosphere of contemporary sci-fi and and thriller-esque film scores.

    We’ve arranged the glissandi into two overall groups convergent and divergent. The convergent samples start on various G sharps and C sharps, in a variety of octave positions, which either ascend and descend in pitch towards the notes that are held down on your MIDI controller.

    MIDI note C0 acts as a keyswitch which, when depressed, activates the ascending convergent samples. Likewise, c#0 activates the descending samples and D0 activates both groups to converge on the held notes from both above and below.

    Once the samples arrive at the held notes they will continue to sustain until the notes are released.

    The divergent samples work like the convergent ones, but in reverse. The held notes are initially sustained and then diverge away towards various C sharps and G sharps, which in sustain until the notes are released.

    The ascending divergent samples are activated by MIDI note F0. G0 activates both, for a blend of ascending and descending divergent samples.

    The MOD wheel is used to crossfade between double bass and violin samples and also allows for a blend of the two for a larger ensemble sound.

    There are additional ‘short’ samples at the top end of the MOD wheel, available only on the convergent samples.

    These end on a short staccato note once the held note is reached, as opposed to continuing on an indefinite legato loop.

    …::: DEMO/PREViEW :::…

    SoundCloud Preview

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3az7


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