  • Analog Tech House Subs WAV-FANTASTiC

    Analog Tech House Subs

    FANTASTiC | 23 June 2021 | 222 MB

    ‘Analog Tech House Subs’ is focused on warm analogue bass subs, with rich warm sounds, Lo-Fi dark moods and extreme deep-end frequencies. All subs and bass sounds were created using a Mood Voyager and up to date analogue outboard and sounds have been hand-crafted with custom DSP routines and treated with a Manley passive EQ, along with Manley Mu limiters and compression. You will find a total amount of 122 creative WAV bass loops, alongside with a selection of 170 bonus loops with key and tempo info in an intuitive file structure so you can effortlessly add these to your productions. You will also find a smart selection of one-shots and single hits, totalling 81 one-shot samples. So get your creative hats on, mix them up and get them Tech’in on the dancefloor. ‘Analog Tech House Subs’ is a must for all modern producers and deep bass sub lovers.

    Product Details:
    • 24-Bit Quality
    • 30 Sub & Bass Staccato Loops
    • 46 Sub Sidechain Loops
    • 46 Sub Sustained Loops
    • 32 Bonus Loops Including Drums, Music, Perc and Vox Loops
    • 47 Sub Hits
    • 11 FX Hits
    • 23 Boom FX

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    Analog Tech House Subs WAV-FANTASTiC


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