AMG Komputer Inside REFiLL
P2P | REFiLL | 144.60 MB
This is an adaptation of the AMG sample CD “Inside”, produced by the Mute Records artists, Komputer. As a ReFill, a lot of the difficult work has been done for you. For example, all the audio from the original CD has been sampled and trimmed, and where appropriate, looped correctly. We’ve arranged various parts of the original CD for different parts of Reason. Some of the samples exist in two different formats, as you’ll see below.
Here is an outline of what’s available for Reason, inside this ReFill:
Song Starters
First of all there are several Song Starters. These are complete studio setups for Reason, with various instruments and mixer routings already assigned. This provides a quick way to get “up and running” with this data, and you can adapt and alter these as you like.NN19 Sampler Patches
These are the patches for the NN19 Sampler instrument in Reason. Most of these include several samples, and depending on the type of sample, are arranged differently.Loops, Sequences & Sweeps
This section’s patches are laid out so that you can try out many of thesequickly, each sample having been assigned to one key on the NN19 sampler. Since most of these samples are rhythmic in style, all of this data is also available in the Rex Files section for the Dr.Rex player.
Which format you use is up to you. If you want to base an song on one of these sequences, you’ll probably find the Rex file more appropriate. You can find the Rex file equivalent by looking at the sample number of the sample you like (i.e. KI-2501.aif), and finding the similarly named Rex file (KI-2501.rx2), then loading that Rex file into Dr.Rex.Misc Notes
These NN19 patches are more like traditional synth patches, in that the sample plays over the range of the keyboard.Misc Synth Notes & FX, and Synth Noizes
This section is primarily special effect type samples (except for the “Yamaha” instruments). In most of these, samples are assigned each to a single key so that you can again try out many of them quickly. Again, if you like one of these samples, you can re-assign it to a new NN19 Sampler patch by taking note of the sample you like (ie. KI-5901.aif), finding that sample in the “Samples” folder (in a Subfolder with the same name as the Patch you found it in), and making a new NN19 patch with JUST that sample in it. This will allow you to play it at various pitches like a traditional synth voice. You can then save the new NN19 patch you’ve made if you like.Synth Sequences
These patches are again more rhythmic oriented patches, so each sample has a single key for trying it out. Again, many of them therefore have a Rex file equivalent in the “Rex Files” folder, so you can use it in the Dr.Rex player if you prefer.
(Not ALL of these are available as Rex, only those that have a distinct rhythmic quality to them.)
Basically, it would be too unwieldy to include a single NN19 Patch for every single sample in this collection. We encourage you to make new NN19 Patches with your favourite sample data.(Note: If you look in the “Samples” folder, you’ll see a group of folders that include ALL the sample data for this entire collection. Synth Drum Patterns and Electronic Percussion Hits are not organized into NN19 sampler patches as the Drum Patterns lend themselves specifically to Dr.Rex loops, and the Electronic Percussion Hits are organized into ReDrum Kits. However, feel free to use these samples in other ways if you like. The data is there for you to use and abuse.)
ReDrum Kits
These kits are typical techno drum kits, arranged using samples from the Electronic Percussion Hits sample folder. We’ve tried to keep to a similar layout in each kit, so that you can step through the drum kits with the same rhythm playing, and hear how each kit works with your rhythm.Rex Files
These files are for the Dr.Rex player, and are grouped into three sections:
# Loops, Sequences, Sweeps
# Synth Drum Patterns
# Synth SequencesIn all 183 REX files!
Subtractor Patches
These patches for the Subtractor virtual analog synth are not from the original Komputer Inside CD, but we hope you’ll find them useful and stylistically suitable.Samples
This folder contains EVERY SAMPLE in this collection. Some of this data is duplicated in Rex format in the Rex Files folder. In all there are well over 500 WAV files!INFO/DEMO:
AMG Komputer Inside REFiLL Post: