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    Ambient Elastik Inspire Series ELASTiK

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 10 NOVEMBER 2012 | 2.5 GB

    3.9 GB, 960 Loops & Samples / Genre: Ambient

    For Ambient we created an enormous collection of sound textures exactly adjusted and tailored to fit for the individual desires and needs of professional music producers, webdesigners, and media producers in television, movies and gaming. The used sound categories vary from ambient-soundscapes, textures and drones to hits, special fx, countless effect sounds, morphings, sequences and cinematic soundscapes to dark and bright ambiences, effect grooves and reversed sounds. From „smooth & deep“ to „hard & heavy“.

    The 3.9 GB library involves 960 loops including bassdrums, hi hats, snares, cymbals, drumloops, congas, bongos, shakers, djembes, sub-basses, synths, pads, sub-pads, pianos, electric pianos, vocals, guitars, brass, trumpets, harps, flutes, sfx and natural fx.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/558J
    Ambient Elastik Inspire Series ELASTiK


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