Alien Guitars Vol.1 & Vol.2
AI | 30.11.2004 | WAV:1.06 GB | TZ7iSO: 07.12.2005 | AKAi:828.16 MB
You won’t find traditional funky, wah wah or metal guitars on this disc. Instead, these guitars were struck, beaten, brushed with chains, prepared, yelled into and abused – then, through post-production, their screams turned into mutant sound entities! Composers working in styles from hard edged electronic music to avant garde scoring will find Alien Guitars an indispensable tool for bringing an organic, but other worldly edge to their productions. Alien Guitars brings perfect bizarre sounds and awesome textures from beyond the scope of what is real.
- – Loops
- – Events
- – Composites
- – Ambiences
- – Hits
With Alien Guitars 1 many thought Sisko and Libertino had taken the post-modern guitar to its logical end. Ironically, it was only the beginning… Alien Guitars 2 picks up right where Volume 1 stops. The goal? To utilize every gadget and technique available to mutilate any recognizable sound of a guitar. Conjured from the guitar by way of hardware, software and demented wetware you will visit: “Paturn”- loops & linear melodic patterns, “Dark Matter”- sinister soundscapes and supernatural environments, “Aquatica”- the sounds of liquid guitars, “The Temple of Sonos”- spiritual sounds and healing tones, “Luceslantra”- glistening textures and harmonics of light, the “Rainforest”- exotic birds, insects and animals of the sonic jungle and “Passport Kontrol”- sounds of exotic locales within the imaginary universe… you get the idea.
Alien Guitars Vol.1 and Vol.2 AKAi WAV
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