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    100 Crashes Maschine Ableton WAV

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 31 MARCH 2015 | 154 MB

    100 heavily processed crash sounds, that will add special metallic flavor to any electronic music production. A high resolution acoustic cymbals recording is the initial source of this sound collection. These raw crash sounds passed through various guitar pedals, Moog filters, Roland space echo, Spring reverb, Bit crushers and digital distortions. Then we chopped, layered and processed it again – to get this extraordinary collection of pumping and punching crushes.

    Available as a Maschine Expansion, an Ableton Live Pack or as Wav files for use with any other DAW.

    INFO: http://goo.gl/ic2EuK
    100 Crashes Maschine Ableton WAV-MAGNETRiXX


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